Introducing the award, Professor Alan Walker said that this is the highest award the BSG can give. It is made annually to an individual or organiation that has made a significant and lasting contribution to British gerontology. This impact must be not only in the field of research but also in policy and in improving the quality of life of older people. He reported that the panel of judges had been unanimous this year and the audience certainly sounded as if they highly approved their choice.
Alan Walker mentioned Bill's many publications, especially his books Ageism and Unmasking Age, his involvement in teaching, especially at the OU, and his many research projects particularly the Research on Age Discrimination (RoAD) project. He also reminded us that Bill was a founder member of the BSG, has been Secretary and Treasurer and was for many year's Editor of the society's journal Ageing and Society.
Bill himself spoke briefly and reminded us that ageing is a property of all of us, not just of people we put in the category of 'older person'.
Congratulations to Bill on such a prestigious and well-deserved award.
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